PowerCLI: Getting vmhost uptime

I love a powershell challenge, and last week a colleague of mine asked me for assistance in getting the uptime of vmware hosts. My initial response did the trick:

Get-View  -ViewType hostsystem -Property name,runtime.boottime | Select-Object Name, @{N="UptimeDays"; E={((((get-date) - ($_.runtime).BootTime).TotalDays).Tostring()).Substring(0,5)}}

However, I wasn’t completely satisfied by the the output or the ease of use.
So today I went back and rewrote the code and made a function of it.
Instead of using the ToString and Substring methods I went for the built-in class Math, which has a method called Round. You can learn more about the Math class here: http://www.madwithpowershell.com/2013/10/math-in-powershell.html

Anyways, here’s the function I came up with:

function Get-VMHostUptime
            Param (
         If ($VMHosts) {
            foreach ($VMHost in $VMHosts) {Get-View  -ViewType hostsystem -Property name,runtime.boottime -Filter @{"name" = "$VMHost"} | Select-Object Name, @{N="UptimeDays"; E={[math]::round((((Get-Date) - ($_.Runtime.BootTime)).TotalDays),1)}}, @{N="UptimeHours"; E={[math]::round((((Get-Date) - ($_.Runtime.BootTime)).TotalHours),1)}}, @{N="UptimeMinutes"; E={[math]::round((((Get-Date) - ($_.Runtime.BootTime)).TotalMinutes),1)}}}
         elseif ($Cluster) {
            foreach ($VMHost in (Get-VMHost -Location $Cluster)) {Get-View  -ViewType hostsystem -Property name,runtime.boottime -Filter @{"name" = "$VMHost"} | Select-Object Name, @{N="UptimeDays"; E={[math]::round((((Get-Date) - ($_.Runtime.BootTime)).TotalDays),1)}}, @{N="UptimeHours"; E={[math]::round((((Get-Date) - ($_.Runtime.BootTime)).TotalHours),1)}}, @{N="UptimeMinutes"; E={[math]::round((((Get-Date) - ($_.Runtime.BootTime)).TotalMinutes),1)}}}

         else {
            Get-View  -ViewType hostsystem -Property name,runtime.boottime | Select-Object Name, @{N="UptimeDays"; E={[math]::round((((Get-Date) - ($_.Runtime.BootTime)).TotalDays),1)}}, @{N="UptimeHours"; E={[math]::round((((Get-Date) - ($_.Runtime.BootTime)).TotalHours),1)}}, @{N="UptimeMinutes"; E={[math]::round((((Get-Date) - ($_.Runtime.BootTime)).TotalMinutes),1)}}
  Shows the uptime of VMHosts
  Calculates the uptime of VMHosts provided, or VMHosts in the cluster provided
 .Parameter VMHosts
  The VMHosts you want to get the uptime of. Can be a single host or multiple hosts provided by the pipeline
  Shows the uptime of all VMHosts in your vCenter
  Get-VMHostUptime vmhost1
  Shows the uptime of vmhost1
  Get-VMHostUptime -cluster cluster1
  Shows the uptime of all vmhosts in cluster1
  Get-VMHost -location folder1 | Get-VMHostUptime
  Shows the uptime of VMHosts in folder1

You can use it in a couple of different ways, as documented in its help section (get-help get-vmhostuptime -expamples). But if you provide no input to it, it will generate an output like this:


Hopefully, you don’t have an uptime as long as some of these hosts Smilie: :)

Category(s): PowerCLI, Powershell, VMware
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One Response to PowerCLI: Getting vmhost uptime

    Mark Cloney says:

    Thanks – this function worked perfectly. Well done!

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